Mon 27 Jan
With our Vivid name and your vivid looks, Make $100,000 a year w/o ever getting out of bed! ◄ - 21
(Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Little Rock, Work From Home)
LAST MORNING/Dont Miss 👉 sweet playful southern blonde🍭🍧 AmAziNg SkiLLs & 😊GrEaT PeRsonAlitY!! - 24
(Long Island, rockvillecentre sunrise hwy/NO BLACK MEN)
Y∅xU'v∈ ⓣⓡⓘⓔⓓ Th€ Re§t ★♡ N∅W C∅Me ⓣⓡⓨ Th∈ Be§t~BⓔTTⓔR THAN HⓔR⇧AND HⓔR⇩..100hhr In call special - 28
(Jacksonville, Little Rock)
UPscale DeLUX! Dream With Me Today //// True*GFE & HIGHLY *Reviewed* Too!!!/// ♥ - 23
(ALL!! OVER!! * Central * Arkansas *)
💎🍭Your Treat 💋 Exotic Mixed Freak💋📣Unbelievable Special📣 stop looking👀👅🐠LETS PARTY - - 22
(Incalls/Outcalls, Little Rock)
⇨VERiFiED βα®βϊξ⇦ ✯©θMξ ξχρLθRξ Mϒ TξRRϊfϊ© TαLξηTδ✯ ◎βιθηDξ βθMβδhξLL◎ ✔αVαϊlαβlξ ηθϖ - 23
(Little Rock, NLR)
《♡》 Your Delicious Delight ZOEY 《♡》Call For Specials - 24
(Little Rock, little rock near university)
▓★▒ Young Hot & Blonde – Ready To Please – Get In Touch Now! ▒★▓ - 22
(Little Rock, Little Rock, Conway, North Little Rock)
❤️💋 YES❗️CaSeY is in LiTtLe RoCk❗️HoT BuStY BLonDe 💋💋OuTsTaNDiNg ReViEwS❗️❗️E.C. & P4 & VeRiFiEd - 40
(Little Rock, 💋 💋💋💋Little Rock, NLR ToDaY IN & OUT ❗️❗)
★ ▬▬▬▬ ❤ UPSCALE ★ ▬▬▬▬ ❤BlONdE BarbiE ★▬▬▬▬ ❤ONE OF A KiND★ ▬▬▬▬ ❤ SiNFULLY SWEET ▬▬▬▬★ - 23
(Little Rock, NLR)
(__*ViSiTiNg* ___ *!* ___ GORGEOUS ___ *!* E x! X! x! otic *!* ___ BRUNETTE ___*!* _____) - 23
(Little Rock & Surrounding)
Went to Springfield, Mo. ~ Even BETTER then it sounds ~ LOVE Lessons ~By Goddess TANTRA ~ - 99
The Baby Dallass~Sexy Real Natural blond with 38Ds! E.C & P.4.1.1 verified. Safe, Clean & FUN! - 25
(Hot Springs, Hot Springs Village, LR, Little Rock)
💋💋Sweet Lips💋💋up can't sleep ☎me up upscale sexy & I got all the rite things 👔 - 25
(Little Rock, Incalls upscale 👔)
🌹★🌹【This】🌹★ 🌹【IS WHAT】 🌹★🌹【DREaMS】🌹★🌹 【ArE】 🌹★🌹 【MaDE】 🌹★🌹 【OF】🌹★🌹 - 21
(Little Rock, Little Rock,NLR,Bryant,Benton,Jville)
😍😍TiReD Of FaKeS❓❓🌴🌴 New Exotic Cuban FREAK 🌴 ThiCk & FuNN 💦 ♋💦(Fetish Friendly) - 19
(Little Rock, LITTLE ROCK AR)
super thick eyes-can you handle it???!!! 832-205-8744-don't miss out!! - 21
(Little Rock)
🚨⚠️Stop⚠️🚨 ➡️ ✪є✘тя℮m℮Ly ⒼⓄⓇⒼⒺⓄⓊⓈ 👅💦 Seductive 💎Cutie with a 🅱OOTY➡️Magic👅💦 - 20
(Little Rock, North little rock)
* SpEc!@/$..... B!g Luscious @$$!!!! ($oft, $mooth, Chocolate GODDESS) AVAILABLE NOW - 23
(Little Rock)
★ {SPECIALS} °o© {SNEAK} °o© {AWAY} °o© {{&}} °o© {COME} °o© {PLAY} SpEcIaLs! - 19
(Little Rock, hot springs/surr)
Sexy Sophia°•T H E⭐ _✨🌙_ ⭐G I R L⭐ _✨🌙_ ⭐O F⭐ _✨🌙_ ⭐Y O U R⭐ _✨🌙_ ⭐D R E A M S⭐ - 26
(Little Rock, Little Rock InCaLL(FairPark) & OutCalls)
Are you looking for a thick girl? Call Madison she does outcall only! Updated number - 26
(North Columbus)
NEW PICS/Video Proof ✅BeAuTiFuL💎💎 ThIcK💎💎 CuRvY💎💍💎 SiMpLy 💍💎GoRgEoUs🔱💎💍 NO FAKES HERE - 25
(Little Rock, Little rock: MID TOWN)
outcalls and incalls specials call and ask about my specials - 22
(Little Rock, Little Rock Arkansas)
•★•NEW PlayMatE in ToWN!!! {{{"*It's** Freaky** Friday** Specials*"}}} 100% REAL FreAK - 25
Abby & Bella two sexy latino burnett's ready to spice ur night up.... Everything or Nice!¡! - 23
(Columbus, Hillard/ West)
OFF the Plane from California!!! MISS ARIA is HERE!! - 26
(Little Rock, Little Rock, NLR & Surrounding Areas)
"°"°" 90$ hr Holiday Spec.... I UNDERSTAND every body is X- MAS SHOPPING. ( WELL REVIEWED ) - 30
(Columbus, Columbus XOXOXO)
✨👅✨ Ms.Mia Beautiful Black Ebony ✨👅✨ OutCall Specials ✨👅✨ Available Now !!!! Let's Meet - 25
(Conway, Little Rock)
Ms seductive delight romance freaky and the best sloppy toppie - 25
(Little Rock, West Little Rock/Southwest)
LR is my location & Independent, Real, Drama Free & Descrete 100% - 24
(Close to you :), Little Rock)